PRISON BREAK (a review on Netflix series)

Prison Break is a must-see and a masterpiece. Well written, well done, and loaded with well-played characters. The one thing that really makes me crazy about the series is the unpredictability of Michael Scofield. He surprises you each and every time

Michael wants to help his brother so badly that he takes this huge risk. How many would do a thing like that for someone they love? If he gets caught he'll end up serving 15 years! I think it's so touching. I also adore the character, Michael Scofield.

He is so cool and untouched but at the same time, he is so caring and sympathetic. And he is so smart! I also think the love story is excellent. He gets feelings for the prison doctor and she likes him a lot too. As a viewer, you really feel for her because from her point of view it's impossible to love. Michael is a criminal! But we know that he's not. Not in the way that she thinks.

It has romance, thrill, violence, politics, action, nearly everything.

It won't be to everyone's taste, but if you love high- suspense, fast-paced, action, thrillers, or even romance, then give Prison Break a try! You won't regret it 

#suggestionbyGowthamKambampati      series on Netflix //  series Netflix best // series movies.


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