The reasons we enjoy it because it's magically very good at bringing back those values which are losing in many movies, like love, magical, compassion, friendship, kindness, forgiveness, brave, accept yourself, never give up, care about animals, etc.

In Dolittle movie the animals all have differing personalities, you get a good laugh. If you want to enjoy this movie, let your inner child out.

Dolittle | Own & Watch Dolittle | Universal Pictures

The VFX is so amazing really adds to the whole magic of the experience while Dolittle is on his travels, also while being backed by his trusty animals with an amazing voice by Dolittle cast that just brings hilarious life to these animals. 

The overview of the story is where Dolittle is suffering from a horrific loss where he has closed his animal sanctuary for good all in solitary confinement that he is depressed while still living with his Animals with who he can communicate. Just until these two amazing young people turn up to save him from his loneliness, so he can be with his own kind again, where these amazing kids are Tommy Stubbins portrayed by Harry Collett and Lady Rose portrayed by Carmel Laniado, while having a lovely cute romance along the way, where they both turn Doctor Dolittle's life around for the better. Dolittle eventually agrees to go to the palace after finding out from Lady Rose that the queen is sick where he could lose his animal sanctuary if the queen was to die. He eventually embarks on a voyage on his ship with his stowaway apprentice Tommy Stubbins to try to save the queen with lots of twists and turns along the way. All while Tommy Stubbins is teaching himself, while also being taught by Dolittle to communicate to the animals along the way. As we all kind of really hope that we can communicate with our animals so that they can understand us too. There is a lot of funny humor in this film with jokes that have secret meanings for older ages that they will understand, my personal favorite flipping the evil bad guy Mudfly off, while still leaving funny jokes in there for the younger kids too.

     Dolittle (4K UHD & HD)



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