BREAKING BAD (a review on Netflix series)

This beautiful piece of art is incredibly well written and directed, furthermore the actors are doing a tremendous job!

This show is beautifully written with plot twists coming in refreshing ways, and at just the right times. Some of what is shown I was surprised they put it 
Cranston plays Chemistry teacher Walter White. He has a loving wife, a child with Cerebal Palsy and another is on the way. He also happens to be dying from an inoperable lung cancer situation, which happened although he "never smoked." His finances in disarray, the once great student of science turns to crime to solve his problems. He turned as the best meth cook

the character evolution of Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, and Skyler White is drastic and amazing at the same time. The show thought us that your acts today decide how you will be tomorrow.

This might be the best show I ever saw or maybe it already is. The only disadvantage you may have is that you won't be satisfied with any other TV show. Ever!

#suggestionbyGowthamKambampati   series on Netflix //  series Netflix best // series movies.


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